
Sexual Complaint Reporting


Title IX student, Faculty and Staff Sexual Misconduct Training Material

Title IX Student, Faculty, and Staff Sexual Misconduct Training Document


Harassment, Discrimination and Non-retaliation Reporting

Students who have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination should immediately contact the Title IX coordinator in accordance with the university’s聽Harassment, Nondiscrimination, and Non-retaliation Policy.

Cheryl Bullinger
Title IX Coordinator
Executive Director of Compliance
5301 Mt Rushmore Road
Rapid City, SD 57701


Title IX:聽 Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy

麻豆视频入口在线观看 (麻豆视频入口在线观看) is committed to maintaining an educational and working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 USC 搂 1681 et seq.) and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) (42 USC 搂 13701 et seq.) together prohibit sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking that take place on a campus, via other media, or at a university sponsored event. These acts are prohibited whether by a student, faculty member, staff member, or a third party.

Sexual Assault Reporting

If a student has been sexually assaulted, the student should immediately call 911 or local law enforcement. In addition, the student should promptly report the incident to the university鈥檚 Title IX coordinator in accordance with the university鈥檚 Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Reporting

Students who have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination should immediately contact the university鈥檚 Title IX coordinator in accordance with the university鈥檚 Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Pregnant and Parenting Students

Under the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED鈥檚) Title IX regulations, an institution that receives federal funding “shall not discriminate against any student, or exclude any student from its education program or activity, including any class or extracurricular activity, on the basis of such student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery therefrom.” According to the ED, pregnant and parenting students must be provided with reasonable accommodations to maintain and continue their academic pursuits.

Upon student disclosure to a university representative of a pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition, including but not limited to pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, conditions arising in connection with pregnancy, and recovery from these conditions, pregnant and parenting students will be given an opportunity to submit course work with penalty-free extended deadlines, make up missed course work wherever possible, complete alternate assignments where appropriate, and be eligible for an incomplete grade if needed. It is not necessary for the student to provide supporting documentation for the pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition.

Title IX accommodations are retroactive to the time when the pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition began, but only apply to unsubmitted course work; that is, students cannot resubmit course work for the purpose of seeking a higher grade, though all late penalties applied to course work previously submitted after the pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition began must be removed. Students with parenting responsibilities because of the birth of a child may request Title IX accommodations for up to one year from the time the child entered the parenting student鈥檚 home. Extensions may be granted when additional time is required due to medical necessity or extraordinary parenting responsibilities.

Students should work directly with their course instructor to obtain Title IX accommodations and should communicate with instructor when any late course work is ready to be graded. If for any reason a pregnant or parenting student is unable to work with their course instructor to obtain the Title IX accommodations described above, then the student should immediately contact the university鈥檚 Title IX coordinator for assistance.

External Resources

Sexual Assault Hotlines

National Sexual Assault Hotline

Department of Defense Safe Helpline (Military Students)

Local Resources*

*Additional resources may be available in your local community. Please contact the Title IX coordinator for additional resources.

External Complaint Filing

Office of Civil Rights

Registered Sex Offender Registries

National Sex Offender Website:

State Registered Sex Offender Sites:

South Carolina:
South Dakota: